Thursday, July 29, 2010

How can you forget your parents? Getting a reverse mortgage

Alright, lets not forget our parents who raised us and fed us and kept a roof over our heads. Now with this massive downfall in our economy and retirement checks getting bounced, its time to take appropriate measures.

I recently sent my 77 year old father a email, yes surprisingly he is quite computer savvy. After about a week he finally called me and said "come home, your mother wants to go through with this "reverse mortgage" I replied. "home?" My father completely hates it when I'm sarcastic, I receive great pleasure anytime I am sarcastic to the person who is quite serious with what he has to say or ask of me. Of course it wasn't the right time for it, anywho I get down to my parents house which is a hour away and log on to the website and explain any questions or concerns they may have.

The thing that really astounded me, is these people who I call my parents lived in that home for 50 years, and they went through with this reverse mortgage to buy a RV. I emailed the webmaster that manages the website for the company and if you are lucky you might see his testimonial on the site.

The only requirements are, your parents or you must be at least 62 years young.

Looking for Auto Insurance?

Auto insurance can be a big waste of time, and let me be the one to save you hours of your personal, family, friend time by laying out two key points.

a.) you don't find what your looking for
b.) you don't find what your looking for at the right price.

However recently, I have came across this fantastic auto insurance group which works in partnership with major auto insurers. That being said, you won't have to spend time on the phone with each insurer.

The way it works is simple, you fill out the make and model of your vehicle. Include the drivers who regularly use the vehicle, finally include previous auto coverage. This must be the most easiest 5 minutes of your life.

See, I am the person who likes to get things done quickly. However quick enough to make sure I don't have to go back and fix my mistakes. If your serious about getting auto insurance and are looking for affordable quotes that you can live with, I highly recommend this group. They will do all the leg work for you to get you the right quote you are looking for.

Welcome to That Freebie Guide

Looking for a freebie? Possibly something to save you time and money? This blog is exactly just that, for years I have spent countless hours and hundreds of dollars on consulting and services I could have found and done online. That being said, why would someone like you want to make the same mistakes I have.

In return from me being the clueless person I once was, I bring you ThatFreebieGuide @ Blogspot.

Time to get crackin' keep in touch everyone :)